Maya Angelou
Yes, it's that time when everyone is planting things ---SPRING!! Yay! I am still flip-flopping on where to put all of the hostas that I brought from the farm, and where to plant a hydrangea plant. But it sounds like some of my peeps have their sunflowers started already. I gotta get going, right?
Whenever I plant something, I always remember the year I thought I would grow pumpkins.
I wanted a big patch for the grandkids to enjoy and to be able to carve as many jack-o-lanterns as they wanted. When most pumpkins sell for three or four bucks apiece in town, I figured I would raise a bunch for the price of a packet of seeds. However, I planted a little late in the season. And sometimes I would forget to water the plants. And they were behind our big building, which meant that they spent half the day in the shade. Talk about a "purple" thumb instead of "green".
Well, my patch struggled to grow. The vines were scraggly, but I eventually got some tiny pumpkins.They kinda looked like the miniature gourds that are sold in the fall, mostly to decorate tables. Everyday, I would check my patch in hopes that a miracle would occur and my pumpkins had taken an unbelievable growth spurt. Then something strange happened.
My Dan had stopped over at the house for something, and was out in the backyard. He came into the house and told me that he had looked over at the vines and saw one huge pumpkin growing in my patch. I was shocked since I had checked out the vines the day before. I rushed out to see for myself, and, by golly, there sat the most beautiful, big, orange pumpkin. I couldn't believe my eyes. I kept trying to take it all in - how had this happened overnight????
As I circled my gift from heaven, I took a closer look. Not only was the pumpkin perfectly clean, the stem was neatly cut! Someone had planted a "ringer" in my garden!! Dan denied it. Lon denied it. Jenna denied it. That only left one culprit - - - LITTLE MA. Yup, she had purchased this honking big pumpkin, dragged it out behind our big building, and nestled into the vines for me to find. She said she felt sorry that my big plans for the kids wasn't turning out, so she wanted to give me a little bit of hope. That was one of the most special, sweetest gifts that anyone has ever given me!
So get out there and plant something. Add a little something special to your yard. Get a hanging basket for a splash of color. Plant some pumpkin seeds, for goodness sake.
We are still getting some lovely (and loving) cards concerning Dad. Thanks again for your kind thoughts.
I had such a fabulous day yesterday. Danielle R. and her little girl came to visit from Georgia. They are my friend, Sandy R.'s daughter and granddaughter. We had such a good visit and I got to see Grace for the first time since she was really tiny. What a beautiful little gal - not cute, not pretty, down-right beautiful. And so smart! Danielle took a picture of Grace and me and texted it to her mother. I am sure Sandy was wishing she was here holding Grace herself. Jenna and Danielle are about the same age, and it's neat to see them all grown-up and being such good mothers. Love you both.
The quote for today is true. Let's all take better care of ourselves. I went for a walk this morning and what a beautiful morning it was! Yeah, gotta love that Maya Angelou.
Here's a picture from last year, of Alec. Yes, we had to to go to Bart's Pumpkin Farm to get our stuff. I guess I'll leave that kind of business to the experts.