Does anyone remember the old "MacGyver" TV. show where a man cleverly solved all kinds of dilemmas with simple items, ie: a paperclip, a rubber band, possibly a shoelace?
Let me tell you a little "fictional" tale about Old Geriatric MacGyver. Let's call him "Ger" for short.
Ger became ill and his family had to place him in a very nice, safe environment where he could be taken care of 24 hours a day. One evening, Ger decided he knew what was best for himself and since he felt that he was so much younger than everyone else that lived in his nice, safe building, and he didn't feel like making friends with them, that he would just leave. He did not understand that once he left, he would be in danger of falling or getting lost or any of several other things.
Ger had a special strap on his ankle that would set off alarms if he tried to leave the building. So Ger took out his key ring and began to saw away at the strap with one of his keys. He worked and worked and finally it gave way! He was free! Now it was time to escape. Ger looked up and down the hallway outside his room. He began to make his way to the big double doors with the special security alarms. There was a few people who had been visiting someone in the building. As they were allowed to leave through the special door, Ger mingled with the group and slipped out, too. He walked up the street to a gas station on the corner. He went in and asked the clerk if he would call for a cab. The cab arrived and took Ger way out in the country to where he had lived before.
One of Ger's children decided to give him a call and see how he was doing. How surprised she was when he said he was doing GREAT! because he had gotten back to his old home. Soon everyone knew that Ger had escaped from his safe house. After much ado involving the Head Nurse from the safe house, some of his children and a grandchild, he was finally convinced to return to the safe home. The End
I hope you enjoyed this "fictional" story, but let this be a warning to all of you with loved ones in care centers. They are clever, crafty little buggers and may try the very same thing that Ger did.
I am about to leave for "SECOND TO THE LAST CHEMO TREATMENT!! Yaaaah! Would you be surprised to learn that the one thing I am dreading about today's session - is the fact that I have to eat frozen popsicles for about 10 minutes during one part, . This is to contract or constrict the pores/cells in my mouth so the medicine bypasses it. If my mouth wasn't cold, the medicine could enter pores in my mouth and cause sores to develop. For some reason, the thought of eating those sickeningly sweet things turns my stomach. Whatever.
Anyhoo, got to go.