Alan W. Watts
What does this quote mean? Look further.
I have been looking for a nice, little used truck to beebop around in. I finally found just what I needed. But guess what color I ended up with?????? Yes, People, I have changed and joined your dance.
Another bit of news I need to pass on, is that I am probably not going to grow sunflowers next year. If some of this year's seeds drop and come up voluntarily, okay. What I didn't realize about those huge ten-foot tall kinds is that the head of the sunflower weighs a pound or more, which makes it top-heavy and the whole darn thing starts to bend over. Next thing you know, it's laying on the ground. Yipes! Maybe I should have gone with the smaller version. Ya think? Oh, I still like sunflowers. . .and always will. But when you can enjoy the plant for just a few days before it starts looking punky, no thanks.
I had a great morning yesterday when I met with friend Betty C. from Missouri. I could tell my hearing is pretty much shot when she called to ask me to meet her at "Tanera's". I said okay, and asked her where that was. When she told me the address, I realized that she was saying "PANERA'S". We had a nice long visit and she was so sweet to treat me to breakfast. And she still looks pretty fantastic. grrrr
IMPORTANT UPDATES: Hubby has been seeing lots of doctors, and the final news is that he is doing
well and everything is going to be fine.
Also, sister Judy's breast cancer operation went very well and she is
starting radiation. She is staying strong in spirit and mind-set, which
are some of the strongest tools she will be working with and will help
her get through this so much easier.