Luke 12:7 NKJ Bible
Yes, God, I know that the amount of my hair keeps changing, so I apologize for the constant recounting you must do to stay up to date on the latest number of hairs on MY head. All day long, it's SUBTRACT . . . SUBTRACT . . . SUBTRACT!. sorry
I went to the Jeffrey Scott Salon yesterday and ordered a new wig(cranial prosthesis). I hope it looks okay. Jeffrey sells really quality stuff and I can get it in a very close match to my own hair color. Should be in on Monday. I washed my hair this morning, and it seemed to fluff it out a little bit and now it doesn't look so sparse or smashed flat. It's funny washing it now, since it always felt like such a heavy mass before, and now it's kinda like carefully washing hair that is made of tissue-paper.
The family was really burning up the phone lines yesterday, trying to deal with all the latest issues with our dad. Just when we think we have all our ducks in a row, everything goes kablooey, and we have to deal with more stuff. All of us are getting to the point of exhaustion, trying to help him get the best possible help available.
I'm still having problems with the large amount of out-put from my drains. I talked to the doctor's office today, and they said to hang in there until Tuesday when I have my next appointment. They reassured me that they don't let anybody keep their drains in longer than four weeks. FOUR WEEKS!? I am not going to try for a new record, let me tell you. It is strange how the constant pain from having those hoses stuck in my body can really make a person so tired. It's not horrible pain, but just a constant achy dull pain. When it is never-ending, it can really drain the energy right out of a person. Tonight Lon asked if he could get me anything, or do anything for me. I actually started to cry, because I wanted him to rub my back which was killing me and just the thought of having some relief made me tear up. He did a great job, and I felt sooo much better.
On the 03-11-14 post comment from Betty C, she said she is doing motivational speeches to get people fired up to raise funds and work for breast cancer research. What a peach . . . what a pal . . . what a pip!!!! She seems to be doing a lot of stuff to help make a difference in people's lives. You go, girl! Thanks!
Little Ma sent over some delicious salmon patties, and boy, did I enjoy them! Also got a nice card from Rita and Ed Porter. Thanks so much. My Daniel called and checked in with me earlier. It was good to hear from him. Sandi F. was curious if I needed some books to read to pass the time. I got severalgreat books for Christmas and Nina has lent me books and movies, but I can't seem to get motivated enough to deal with them. I always thought if I had the time, it would be heavenly to be able to just sit and read. Now it just seems like it is too much work right now. Weird.
Tomorrow I go to Jenna's early and pick up Alec for the day. Spring break is here and he is coming to my house to play. I will have him next week, too. Cate and Abby don't have their break until the following week, and I get to have them for a few days.
Alec is learning to e-mail at school, and he sent a very nice message the other day. I am going to try and keep communicating with him via the internet and see what all he will tell me. Interesting.