Beryl Markham
If I had any success at Facebook, perhaps I would have a little confidence. Seriously, I stink at it. I finally got brave and tried to actually write a post of my own (rather than just post shared items from someone else's pages). It came up posted under another name. I tried putting on three pictures. They showed up three times EACH. Wha.....???? I tried tagging names on one photo, and my friend, Ron McVay was tagged as The Santa Clause! Where did that come from??? I am not successful doing a Facebook page.
I think I will plant sunflowers today. The packet says to do it in May/June. Wish me big-time luck this year.
It is mushroom season. But here is a warning for everyone, especially the young girls and women out there. First, DO NOT go by yourselves. Second, if you are approached by anyone, especially men, get the heck out of there.
A young teenage friend of mine went to find mushrooms in a wooded area near our house. She was alone. As she got out of her car, a young twenty-something guy approached her and asked her name. She answered with her first name. Then he wanted to know her last name. She answered "It depends who is asking!" When she asked who he was, he said that she might be surprised at who he was and how important he was. What a bunch of bull.Then he proceeded to ask her if she was going into the wooded area to do drugs! She told him she did not do drugs. He also wanted to know where she lived, what school she went to, and her age. At this point, another unknown guy drove by and asked if she was okay, to which she said she was fine. As she tried to enter the wooded area (!!!!) the young guy followed her. She got nervous and pushed by him to get to her car. He told her she was being rude!
Have ya heard enough? My friend really learned a lesson about safety. Please learn from her experience to get away from anyone who seems too chatty, asks a lot of weird questions, and is invading your personal space. AND DON'T GO MUSHROOMING BY YOURSELF!