Al Bernstein
After working in the yard all day yesterday, I could hardly walk last night. Even a few years ago, this would not have happened. Sigh. . . I am officially an old lady.
Twice, yes TWICE, today I cracked my forehead getting into my SUV. Now, I am kinda short and my car is tall, so there shouldn't have been any contact whatsoever. Sorry that I am whining, but dang it, it hurt! (Don't want to be knocking the old melon around and starting up my enemy Virtigo). Sigh. . . I am officially an old lady.
While working in my yard, I came to a startling conclusion. Let me say first, that I always got a kick out of mowing Little Ma's yard, since she had lots and lots of gew gaws and tchotchkes and bits of interesting things all around her house and yard. Dare I be honest and say JUNK? Well, I just noticed that I have accumulated an ever-growing collection of gew gaws and tchotchkes and bits of interesting things. JUNK! Sigh. . . I am officially an old lady.

Mom with Alec riding on his new bike he got for an early birthday gift. Notice the BLACK shoes!!!!!
And finally, my darling daughter tried to be light-hearted when it came time for me to get my breast reconstructive surgery, by declaring that she wouldn't mind getting new "jugs" (just not the way I did it).
Well, be careful what you wish for. . . it just might come true. Only it may not come out exactly the way you wanted it to. Hee hee.