Carl Bard
Today is Dad's 88th birthday. You remember him . . . Mr. Geriatric MacGyver, age 55. Every so often I think about all has happened in the last few months, and it blows my mind. Surreal.
I was meaning to put some pictures on this blog, but my camera batteries are dead and - - - gasp! - - - I am out of AA's. I am never out of batteries. I keep a supply in my office closet of, well, everything. We are known for being the people who don't have A LOT of everything, but somehow manage to have a LITTLE of everything. If you need to borrow something, chances are real good that we have what you need lying around here.
Anyway, my sunflowers are bravely struggling to make it and I wanted to share that with you in a photo. Also my salt-and-pepper hair growth that is coming along. I felt that I now look like a really old-looking boy, but my husband made a reference to me about looking like an old MAN. Thanks.
If (and only IF) anyone is interested in joining our little band for the Breast Cancer Walk, please call me or leave a comment on these posts, and Jenna and I will sign you up. I am covering the entry fee for everyone this year.
Had a nice visit yesterday with old friend, Danny R., who stopped by from Georgia. We all touch base whenever we can - sometimes in Georgia and sometimes in Iowa.
Today is the third week since surgery, and the third week I have had my drain in. The right one got taken out last week, but the lefty is being stubborn, and I will once again probably go the entire distance and have it for the full four weeks. Even Lon is getting anxious about me shaking loose of my tether so I can help him around here. And I am ready!!
This is only August, and it is beginning to feel like Autumn already. Sis Sandy has told me for the last few years, that it seems like the seasons have jumped ahead a month. Watch for the signs. I think she may have something there. And school for Alec starts on the 18th, and the girls, on the 26th (?). The next thing you know, it will be CHRISTMAS!!!!
Hey, my new furniture came and it looks really nice. However, the recliner does not have a side handle to move it backwards or forwards, which is a little tricky right now. I have to kinda wham my upper body against the back of the chair to get it headed into recline position and then stick my toe in the crack where the footrest is and push it open. I am making it sound more complicated and difficult than it is, but when I can't use my upper body muscles too good right now, and my toenails are on shaky ground as far as stability, that's what is happenin' I had to get some new throw-rugs to go with the new furniture, since the old ones were the wrong color. And my walls could use a new coat of paint. And my coffee table is showing its age. And the lamps don't go so well with the new furniture. And so on and so on. Heck, I need a complete overhaul on my living room. :)