Rikki Rogers
Not a lot going on right now. Went in for my chemo treatment last Thursday after getting those two shots to up my white blood count. Since I saw the oncologist three times last week, I don't have to go in today! Yippee!
HAIR REPORT: I have got the craziest hair. There are several dozen strands of longish hair on my head, that refuse to fall out. I will, again, not get shiny bald. Don't know why some of it refuses to go. And there is no way that I am shaving it and having spikey, itchy stubbles. Yipes.
I have noticed that my eyelashes and eyebrows are about half gone. This is where I begin to pencil in facial features so I don't look like a "blank canvas" face. But this also gives me freedom to make some pretty bold eyebrows and accentuate the shape of my eyes to the point of looking a bit crazy. Ahhh, the joys of recreating my face any way I want to!
Saturday was so much fun. My Alec had his birthday party and a lot of his friends came. A special young lady that he has known for several years came and he was thrilled to see her. He says she is his girlfriend, and I think she thinks he is her boyfriend. So sweet.
A few years back, Alec was my height. He had been stuck at my height for two years. We were starting to think that he was never going to get any taller. Then this happened.
Hey, remember when I told you that when you get cancer, you get jewelry? Well, it happened again. Our cousin, Deb Zimmerman, makes the most fabulous things. She gifted me with this necklace, earrings, and bracelet. They are made from Swarovski crystals, white clamshell wampum beads, ad white deerskin lacing. Wow! Love them.
OH, and I splurged on a new pink arm band at the Dollar Store. :)
STRENGTH. Enough said.