Yup, all is kinda calm lately, which is definitely something that I can handle.Yesterday, Lon and I went out to the farm and dug up some hostas to replant in our yard. I remember last year, when Dad stood by while I chopped and hacked and dug the rock-hard ground. I was thinning his beds out and taking some plants home. Last year he had to stand back and watch, because even at that time, he was too frail to help. Well, yesterday, the ground was black and rich and moist and we didn't have much trouble. We even got a rhubarb plant to give to Jenna to plant in her yard. She likes to make strawberry-rhubarb pie.
Mr. Alec wasn't feeling well yesterday morning, so I picked him up from school and took him to my house. His head was hurting (possibly sinus trouble) and hadn't slept well the night before. When Lon and I left for the farm, Little Ma and Aunt Donna came up and stayed with him. It really does take a village to raise a child.
I was lying in bed this morning, counting the number of side-effects that are really bugging me. It seems like the first thing I have to do every morning, is peel my tongue from the roof of my mouth. I had been told that chemo would cause drymouth, but SERIOUSLY? It's kinda like pulling a bandaid off your skin. The next thing I do is get up, wash my face, and then proceed to draw on details with my makeup. The other day, I noticed that I didn't look quite right, and then realized I had forgotten to draw on the eyebrows (Jodi and Betty C., we are all in the "Thin Brows Club" now). Scary! Remember, presentation is everything. It's interesting to think that I could draw on a big Bozo the Clown smile if I wanted to. Anything is possible. Next comes breakfast. UGH! This morning I tried eating a doughnut and a banana. The doughnut was awful (lardy and leaves a film in my mouth), but the banana worked out okay.
I am also having a lot of trouble with my fingernails. Last week they were breaking down below the quick. Also the skin on my fingers is all deeply cracked and sore. I am having quite a time using my hands, because it is so painful. Dizziness is still a problem, and my eyesight stinks. It's difficult reading the paper or a book. And OMG, the hair supply is down to about 2%. I must have a really tough scalp, because it keeps resisting going totally, smooth-bald like everyone else. It might be best if it did, because I do look like a deranged crazy lady when I take off my wig or sleep cap.
Yes, I know I am fussing and crabbing repeatedly about the little problems I am having. But don't you see? I have to do it while I can, because soon all this crap will be gone, and then I won't have an excuse for being Wendy Whiner. This too shall pass.
My first Herceptin infusion is this afternoon. It's supposed to last about 90 minutes, but shouldn't cause nausea. Whatever.
Betty M., sorry about your mom having to be in a care center. What a gal! She baked my wedding cake 43 years ago, bless her heart.
Thanks again, everyone, for the sympathy cards for Dad. They are all appreciated.