J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
The fall season truly seems to have crept up on us early. I have noticed red splashes among the leaves in the trees behind my house. I put autumn-like flowers on the graves of Mother and Dad, and even stuck a wreath on my little barn shed behind my house.
And, yes, it's time for sis-in-law Nina and me to fly off to our yearly vacay. It only lasts four days, but we look forward to getting away from everything and live in luxury in Fantasyland (Vegas). We've already booked one show that we want to see, but will wait until we get there to pick another one. There is one strange thing we have found ourselves doing each time we visit Fantasyland. We go to a certain shoe store and usually end up with a new pair to take home. Shoes. I know, really odd. But now it's tradition. And we always have to go to the M & M store. I like to pick up a red M & M character shirt for Alec. (Of course, RED. Remember, he's the boy in red.). And Nina and I always pose in front of two statues at Harrah's and have our picture taken. I'll try to post one on a later date, okay?
This post's title mentions something about a recipe. Well, here it goes. I'll try and tell it as close to how I heard it as possible.
Nina got a text from one of her friends. It seems that the friend's husband really, really wanted one of those oil fryers that they advertise on TV. He was so happy when his wife sent for it, and was practically waiting on the front porch in anticipation of the UPS truck. It arrived and he had a hey day frying tenderloins and fish. Then he read the fryer's booklet and discovered the recipe for tampora (?) batter for chicken. But he was puzzled about one thing. He innocently asked his wife, "Where do I buy cupcake flour?" His wife told him that she had never heard of it. He insisted that the recipe called for CUPCAKE flour. She asked to see the booklet. Then she began to laugh. I think her response to him was something like this. "You dumb a--! The recipe calls for 1/4 CUP cake flour not CUPCAKE FLOUR!" (evidently he's a speed reader and he smooshed the two words together - - - ya think?)
The latest on Woodbridge Haven is this. Hubby got the building site all prepped and ready to go. He did such a good job, but then, he is good at what he does. The light company was out today and started to put up some different light poles to divert the lines away from the where the building will be.
On politics, I can only say that every morning I wake up with a stomach ache, wondering what horrendous event is going to happen. Between the hurricanes and the poor decisions going on in D.C., this is one really scary time. It will interesting to look back in, oh, say, five years and see what the outcome of all this madness is.
Perhaps, dear Peeps, it might be time, once again, to put our paws together and say a few prayers. Sure couldn't hurt.